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About Us

PlayCorner is a company which develops instore playgrounds and offers Child Friendly Consultancy full service.

And we love what we do, because we love to make all our customers happy. We come to work every day because we want to improve our customers business. How? By creating their location a better and harmonious place for their clients and make an beautiful experience for all clients. Small and big.


For instore playgrounds, we offer safe, attractive and high quality products. Our products are innovative and ergonomic and fit in any type of organization. Moreover, it can be positioned at various points of the strategic location so that parents can see their children all the time.

Thus, while the children play and interact, parents can focus on your products and services. Offering this facilitations you can significantly increase traffic in your location. This is why we believe in this win-win situation for our clients.


Besides the products, we offer consulting services on how to transform your location in one user friendly children, as well as training services for employees so that they optimally manage situations involving children.

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